
6. Mandatory Requirements of Submissions

6.1. Language

1) All the proposed materials responding to this announcement shall be exclusively in English. 

2) This condition is to enable the jury to assess the design with the greatest possible clarity, insight and uniformity.

6.2. Required Elements

The contestant is asked to use a standard form available at the submission website ( to submit the design proposal. All entries on the form must be duly filled in. A submission shall be constituted of the following three (3) PARTS;

1) PART I:

-Personal information of the contestant, including name, sex, nationality, education, address, telephone number, email address and information attesting to the eligibility of the contestant (i.e., proof of professional association affiliation or student registration). 

- The professional contestant has the option to briefly describe his/her representative works executed to date.

-This part is for the Promoter’s use only and will not made available to the jury or any third party. 

-Aside from ascertaining contestant eligibility, this part has no bearing whatsoever on the result of the competition.

- If an employee, the participant is assumed not to be bound by any corporate confidentiality, copyright and other intellectual property clauses and have the explicit agreement from his/her employer to participate in the competition.

-This information is to be placed in a separate electronic file carrying the ID code chosen by the contestant. It will not be opened until the final decision has been made by the jury and anonymity lifted.

- A lawyer or notary will open the ID files of the winners at the end of the final adjudication process.


The contestant is asked to provide a brief narrative (less than 2,000 words), which will

-Identify the building category and lot, for which the submission has been designated.

-Describe his/her understanding of the design problem,

-Outline the philosophy of the design approach he/she is undertaking, 

-Summarize the functions and modes of use of the building

-Anticipate critical issues or special needs that may impact the construction phase.

The contestant shall, at all times, refrain from comments or references that may reveal his/her identity. In referring to works of his/her own design, the “third person” form should be used. Overt or covert statements that the jury determines reveal the identity of the contestant may result in the disqualification of the design from the competition.


In this part, the contestant is asked to give the preliminary technical ideas and information, describing or demonstrating with drawings, sketches, tables, and/or computer-generated graphics including:

-The external perspective drawings of the building

-The main internal perspective drawings (e.g. entrance hall, stairs, main functional rooms, etc.)

-Layout plan: Scale 1/500

-Floor plans of each floor and appendage: Scale 1/200

-Sectional drawings of the whole building (both cross and longitudinal sections): Scale 1/200

-Key technologies (including the sustainability features)

-Cultural message intended in the design and its association with features

For the purposes of the Competition all plots can be assumed to be fully serviced with all necessary utilities and can be assumed to be level at 19.50 meters AOD (Water Level at 15.50 meters AOD).

6.3. Page Limit

In order to encourage clarity and emphasis, a strict length limit is imposed as follows.

1) The number of English words (including captions to technical drawings) should be less than 2,000.

2) The total number of technical panels accompanying the submission must not exceed 8, and should be vertical of size DIN A0 (841mm x 1,189mm).

3) Materials in excess of the above limits will be set aside by the Technical Advisor and eliminated by the jury if it so decides.

6.4. Multiple Submissions

1) A professional contestant can submit only one design to a competition category (e.g., residential). If so wished, however, submission to more than one category is allowed. 

2) In the case of multiple submissionsat the time of registration, the contestant must indicate all of his/her designs to the competition.

6.5. Fee of Participation

There is no participation fee charged to the contestant for both Professional and Student Competitions.

6.6. Declaration: 

1) Each contestant will complete the submission by signing a pro-forma declaration, which states: “I, (name of contestant), affirm that the design submitted to the MOLEWA competition was prepared through my personal labor or the labor of the team which I represent. 

2) All information presented hereinabove was acquired by means that are legal and ethical. 

3) The submission of this design is an explicit indication of concurrence with all terms and conditions governing the competition, including the selection decision taken by the jury.

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